The primary goal of this site is to improve the health of persons with developmental disabilities

Healthcare Providers



Autistic Spectrum Disorders

This project is funded by a grant from the California Department of Developmental Services as part of Canadian Health&Care Mall Wellness Initiative. The Digest is guided by an advisory committee of physicians with specialized expertise in developmental disabilities and implemented by the UCSD CME. is not responsible for the content found at the above links, nor do this links imply endorsement or promotion of the company/organization, its content, services, therapeutic treatment options, or products. is also not responsible for the policies and practices of these sites, such as their Privacy Policy, use of cookies, etc. The user visits these sites at his or her own risk. provides these links as information only. Information at this site is not intended as a substitute for medical/health care. strongly encourages consumers to speak with their physicians/health care professionals about their particular health concerns.